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Psychosocial Mental health support

We also offer mental health support services to people with psychosocial disabilities.

We have staff who have worked in mental health, housing homelessness and other fields and understand debilitating impacts of mental health challenges on participants.

We understand challenges participants experience on their daily life and general outcomes in their lives as result of psychosocial and other disabilities. We have dedicated, compassionate and specialised staff who know how to support participants with psychosocial and other disabilities in their own pace without pressuring them but gently encouraging and supporting to connect them to their social network, community, educational, employment and other aspirations and goals in their life.

Think Big
Thing Big

Community participation and access

We believe that being a part of a community is an important civic right of a participant. Our Mental Health Support Worker will support participants to:
  • Access their community to participate in activities of their choice such as events, community activities, and groups including therapeutic groups
  • Social parties, clubs, neighbourhood centres and any other activities of their preference

Assistance in daily living

Our Mental Health Support Worker can support participants to complete:
  • Their daily living tasks such as meal planning and preparation
  • Grocery shopping, managing household tasks
  • Working on daily routines and plans for any other support goals they may have

Capacity building supports

Our Mental Health Support Worker can support participants to:
  • Build their capacities, autonomy, and independence in their lives. This could include supporting a participant by linking them to employment or education or teaching them how to access public transport
  • Support them to participate in development and training designed by their allied health services to build capacity so that they can access support and services

Discover more of our services

At Think Big, we share a vision for better future and outcomes for people with disability and our community across Australia. We strive for providing voice and choice for participants and their families by keeping them at the heart of everything we do.
About us

Think Big Support Services provide support and services to people living in Melbourne.

Here to help

At Think Big Support Services, we see the person and their abilities, not their disabilities.